Friday, March 31, 2006

Step Out Program - Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative from the Department of Labor

I wanted to add a shot of my team that works the Step Out Program with me. Curtis, Donna, and Michelle work with released prisoners to help them get stable employment, healthy home environments, and plugged into a strong church community. They do such an amazing job and work tirelessly to ensure the success of their clients and their clients' families. (Not pictured is Colleen, the number one administrative assistant in the history of the Step Out Program in Baton Rouge - ever! I will get a pic of her up soon.)

Our focus for this Department of Labor Federal Grant is to help be a "safety net" for our clients who are often released with the clothes they came in on and nothing else. Our success will impact the lives of our clients and their families, the communities to which they return, and our workforce in the state of Louisiana. We are excited about working with our clients for the upcoming year. Please keep my team and our clients in our prayers as we hope to impact over 200 families from now until March 2007.


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