Monday, October 30, 2006

DCC Women's Blowout - Fiesta! - You never know what seeds you might reap when you sow the love of Jesus

Elizabeth and I went back to the Dream Center Church for their monthly women's ministry blowout party. Ms. Alicia and Ms. Mary did a great job of organizing a night that had 105 women from the community come out to fellowship and hear a brief teaching by my beautifully 8-month pregnant wife (there were also over 50 children there learning songs and scripture teachings). She spoke about the power of our words and how we need to speak life to each other and to our situations. Tell our problems how big our God is not vice versa.

I had 2 great revelations that night: First, as I walked around the Dream Center that night I listened as the kids were singing songs about praising the Lord. I watched 105 women show up to fellowship and learn about the word of God. (The men's ministry also had a great turnout at Lowery Middle School across town.) I reflected on how Elizabeth and I were a part of the Dream Center Church from the day it opened. We came back from our great honeymoon and started working for 2 years. Elizabeth was at the Dream Center for all 5 years. I am so thankful for the 2 years of hard, hard work we put in there. To see all that God is doing in people's lives and that community is awesome and we are grateful to Pastors Dino and Pastors Mark for allowing us to serve there.

The second revelation was that you never know what happens to the seeds you sow. Elizabeth spoke with a woman on our way out who she met a few years ago at the Dream Center (the woman in the picture sitting with Elizabeth). She was going through a tough time and Elizabeth prayed with her and had not seen her since. The woman came that night and told Elizabeth that she had not been back since that day a few years ago. When she heard Elizabeth speaking about the power of positive speaking she knew that she was supposed to be at the Dream Center. Her mom was asking her why she was so negative so she decided to the women's blowout. Elizabeth and I were blessed by her story and thanked God for the opportunity to be a part of such a great testimony.


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